Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Decreasing the footprint

The ocean is an incredibly important place. It seems that everything that we use is somehow connected to the ocean. A couple of weird examples are that lipsticks have kelp in them and saltwater is part of aerosols. Some more "normal" examples are the seaweed for sushi and the different species of fish we eat. Lots and lots of fish!

Also, the ocean helps regulate the climate. The vast amount of water is able to absorb some of the heat and decrease the temperature fluctuations. It acts as a stabilizing agent. This protects different species, including humans from being negatively impacted.

Clearly, the ocean has a big impact on our lives. I shall quickly go on a rant here. I just had this weird thought as I was typing that the plastic keys I am pressing have ocean oil in them. And the pencil eraser that I was using a couple of minutes ago has algae.... the same creepy plant that I hate touching my ankles when diving! It kind of feels surreal, as no matter where one is on dry land, the ocean is somehow there. Even while taking a test at school, I am carrying seaweed in my pencil!

The ocean gives so much to us, that humans have an obligation to protect it and keep it healthy. One can make the analogy of a friend. If someone does something nice for us, often times a lot of people would want to do something nice in return to thank them for their favor. It is same with the ocean. It is giving us a gift of products, as well as life. The fact that the ocean is there is what is allowing for humans to be able to survive. We owe to the ocean that we improve our daily behavior so that the environment around us is not as affected.

Most of the things that we could do are quite simple. One of them is to take shorter showers, as well as not throwing out the extra water after one takes a drink. All this will make sure that water is not wasted and more of it can stay in its natural environment. Also, certain washing machines are more water efficient, and these are good option as one will save a lot of water.

These are pretty simple ones that I know I am going to start following more. Hopefully, it will decrease my footprint on the ocean!

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